Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve in njenih funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki. Več o piškotkih in nastavitvah...

Online registration system for agility events - instructions

Instructions for new teams
Competitors who are not in agility base please fill the Agility New Team Form. System will send your ID and password on email.

Attachment 1: Registration

On the right in grey box, you should fill in the following data:
-    Uporabnik
– your “ID/username” (You are required to enter your email address. If the system does not recognize your email address, please contact Agility Commission - agility.komisija@gmail.com, and check if they have the right email in their agility database. If they don´t please send them the email address you will use for your online registration.)
-    Geslo
– your password (just click below on “Pozabljeno geslo...” meaning “forgotten password”. You will be required to enter your email address again and to copy the security code. The system will then automatically send you your password.)

Attachment 2: Forgotten password
If you do not know or have forgotten your password, just click below on “Pozabljeno geslo...” meaning “forgotten password”. You will be required to enter your email address again and to copy the security code. The system will then automatically send you your forgotten password.

Attachment 3: Main page
Upon successfully entering the online registration, you will find:

On the left side of page:
-    List of competitions
-    Results (You can only see the results for one record book at a time.)
-    Cup results (You can only see the results for one record book at a time.)  

On the right side of page:
-    List of your record books (in the following text shortened to “RB”)

Attachment 4: Entry to the competition
-    On the main page; from the list of your RBs on the right side, you click the RB with which you would like to enter the competition.
  • -    From the list of competitions on the left side of page, you chose the competition which you would like to enter and click “prijavi” (enter/apply).
  • -    Application form will then open. You should check your data and change the handler´s name if someone else will compete with your dog. Again you will be required to copy the security code.
  • -    Making sure your data is correct, click “pošlji prijavo” (Send entry) and the system will enter/add you in the competition and send a copy of your entry via your email address. You can also see your entry immediately on the entry list (described in attachment 7).

Attachment 5: New entry
For a new entry click “Tukaj…” You will be returned to the main page, where you can add a new entry to a different competition but with the same RB or you can add another entry with a different RB. You can also check the applications you have already submitted – the word “DA” appears next to the name of the competition.

Attachment 6: Cancelling your participation
-    Click on the link “odjavi”/cancel (in proximity of the word “DA”) and repeat the previously described procedure (entry to the competition).

Important: Entries and cancellations are possible until the Tuesday before competition. After Tuesday you will have to contact organizer of competition.

Attachment 7: Checking your entries and cancellations
-    Click the tab “Tekmovanja” (Competitons)
-    Choose “Koledar tekmovanj” (Calendar)
-    Chose the competition you want to check and click “podrobnosti...” (details)
-    On the bottom you can see the entry list

Once you are registered online you can surf the web page and if you want to go back to online registration, just click the tab “E-prijave” (Online registration) and you are back. You are logged in until you click “odjava” (Log out).

If you have difficulties with online registrations, please contact Agility Commission (agility.komisija@gmail.com).


Navodila za e-prijave

Pomembno: prijave in odjave preko online sistema so možne do štiri dni pred tekmo. Po tem roku kontaktirajte organizatorja tekme.
Za navodila o e-prijavi kliknite tukaj...

Online registration system for agility events - instructions

Important: Entries and cancellations are possible until 4 days before competition. After this deadline you will have to contact organizer of competition. New teams who are not in agility base please fill the Agility New Team Form. For instructions click here...

Prehod v višji nivo

Tekmovalec mora zaradi ažuriranja baze podatkov sporočiti Komisiji za agility na e-mail (agility.komisija@gmail.com) spremembo nivoja. Sporočilo mora vsebovati številko delovne knjižice, datum prestopa, ter ime sodnika, ki je potrdil prestop.

Ažuriranje podatkov

Tekmovalce naprošamo, da za vse spremembe, kot so sprememba osebnih podatkov, prehod psa iz nižjega v višji nivo, menjava kluba/društva, za katerega tekmujete, številke neaktivnih delovnih knjižic, obvestite Komisijo za agility na email (agility.komisija@gmail.com).

25.11.2024Koledar tekem za sezono 2025
19.10.2024Rezultati DP 2024
18.10.2024Štartne liste za DP 2024
18.10.2024Tehnična ekipa za DP 2024
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13.07.2024Nove delovne knjižice
13.07.2024Spremembe v koledarju tekmovanj
24.06.2024Reprezentanca za SP
24.06.2024Reprezentanca za EO
24.06.2024Reprezentanci za JOAWC in SOAWC
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29.05.2024Dodatne prijave na EO 2024
23.05.2024Tehnična ekipa za prvi kvalifikacijski vikend
16.05.2024Sprememba vrstnega reda tekov KD Zagorje ob Savi
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27.02.2024Menjava sodnice na DP 2024
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26.10.2023Menjava termina tekme KD Duplica
21.10.2023Koledar tekem za sezono 2024
14.10.2023Rezultati DP 2023
13.10.2023Štartne liste za DP
12.10.2023Tehnična ekipa za DP 2023
11.10.2023Državno prvenstvo
27.09.2023Mladinsko državno prvenstvo
05.08.2023Odpoved tekmovanja
12.07.2023Nove delovne knjižice
12.07.2023Reprezentanca za SP
12.07.2023Reprezentanca za EO
09.06.2023Prometno obvestilo za 10.6.2023
09.06.2023Tehnična ekipa za drugi kvalifikacijski vikend
30.05.2023Prometno obvestilo za tekmovanje KD Zagorje ob Savi
26.05.2023Tehnična ekipa za prvi kvalifikacijski vikend
24.05.2023Prometno obvestilo za 1. kvalifikacijski vikend